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    تم تطوير شبكة ومنتديات الجميزه للتماشى مع التطور الحقيقي للمواقع الالكترونيه وبهدف تسهيل التصفح على زوارنا واعضائنا الكرام لذلك تم التطوير وسيتم ارسال اشعار لكل الاعضاء على بريدهم الالكترونى لإعلامهم بان تم تطوير المنتدى

488 - Getting Around Regulations

Slow dialogue: 1:11
Explanations: 3:05
Fast dialogue: 15:49

Michael: I have some qualms about how we’re handling these accounts.

Leona: What do you mean?

Michael: There are strict regulations governing what we can and cannot do, and I think we’re violating those regulations.

Leona: Listen, it’s a matter of interpretation. We’re not flouting any regulations. We’re just not following the letter of the law.

Michael: I, for one, think that we’ve crossed the line. I’m not against some creative accounting, but what we’re doing is bordering on criminal.

Leona: Aren’t you blowing things out of proportion? The government makes laws knowing that people are going to try to get around them. There are always loopholes and that’s why they turn a blind eye to most of these types of activities. As long as we comply with most of the regulations, we’re not going to get into any hot water.

Michael: I appreciate your confidence, but I don’t share it. I think we’re in for some major problems if we don’t change the way we do business.

Leona: Come on, let’s go get some coffee and see what we can do about that overactive conscience of yours.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
