• مرحبا بكم

    تم تطوير شبكة ومنتديات الجميزه للتماشى مع التطور الحقيقي للمواقع الالكترونيه وبهدف تسهيل التصفح على زوارنا واعضائنا الكرام لذلك تم التطوير وسيتم ارسال اشعار لكل الاعضاء على بريدهم الالكترونى لإعلامهم بان تم تطوير المنتدى

برنامج لتشغيل جميع صيغ الصوت والفيديو بدون مشاكل K-Lite Codec Pack 10.9.5 Final

K-Lite Codec Pack 10.9.5 Final

K-Lite codec pack is a collection of VFW/ACM codecs, DirectShow filters and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video formats. The K-Lite codec pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. With the K-Lite codec pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.

K-Lite codec pack is a collection of codecs, DirectShow filters and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video formats. The K-Lite codec pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your movie files. With the K-Lite codec pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even some rare formats.










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