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    تم تطوير شبكة ومنتديات الجميزه للتماشى مع التطور الحقيقي للمواقع الالكترونيه وبهدف تسهيل التصفح على زوارنا واعضائنا الكرام لذلك تم التطوير وسيتم ارسال اشعار لكل الاعضاء على بريدهم الالكترونى لإعلامهم بان تم تطوير المنتدى

506 - Being Generous and Stingy

Slow dialogue: 1:12
Explanations: 2:56
Fast dialogue: 13:32

Britney: I was thinking of hitting up Jane for a little loan. You know her better than I do. What are the chances she’ll spot me a couple hundred dollars until next month?

Salvador: I think that’s a pipe dream. I wouldn’t exactly call her a cheapskate, but she’s not known for her generosity.

Britney: What about Frank? He’s rolling in it. He could easily part with a couple hundred bucks without giving it a second thought.

Salvador: You’ve got your work cut out for you if you think you can borrow money from Frank. He’s always been a penny-pincher and he always will be.

Britney: Okay, then help me think. Who do we know who isn’t stingy? Who do we know who is big-hearted and charitable?

Salvador: What the heck. Here’s $150 to tide you over until your next payday.

Britney: Wow, thanks! You know, another $100 would really come in handy.

Salvador: I really think you should quit while you’re ahead.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
