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    تم تطوير شبكة ومنتديات الجميزه للتماشى مع التطور الحقيقي للمواقع الالكترونيه وبهدف تسهيل التصفح على زوارنا واعضائنا الكرام لذلك تم التطوير وسيتم ارسال اشعار لكل الاعضاء على بريدهم الالكترونى لإعلامهم بان تم تطوير المنتدى


  1. أم حسام

    English Cafe #22

    Today's topics: Bob Dylan, More interjections, in vs. into, indeed, "mail-in rebate," on time vs. in time, administer vs. manage vs. administrate أكثر...
  2. أم حسام

    English Cafe #21

    Today's topics: Minnesota, Interjections, Would rather, rather than, and rather prefer, "smoking gun" أكثر...
  3. أم حسام

    English Cafe #20

    Today's topics: Feeling under the weather, Common abbreviations, Using initials, Now vs. right now أكثر...
  4. أم حسام

    English Cafe #19

    Today's topics: The Oscars, Pimps, "Down to the wire," "And so forth," and I or It? أكثر...
  5. أم حسام

    English Cafe #18

    Today's topics: Mardi Gras, Getty Villa, Have to v. need to v. going to have to, Hype, "No brainer," Would in the past tense أكثر...
  6. أم حسام

    English Cafe #17

    Today's topics: Nicknames and shortened names, 'To kill two birds with one stone' and 'The early bird gets the worm,' May vs. Can, Using do + verb, "Suite," and to wash down. أكثر...
  7. أم حسام

    English Cafe #16

    Today's topics: Taking a survey, Special bonus podcast "Secrets to Improving Your English," Housing prices in the US, To have vs. to be and the past participle. أكثر...
  8. أم حسام

    English Cafe #15

    Today's topics: Wasting time at work, California's reputation, Carpet in the US, Call signs, Yet vs. Still أكثر...
  9. أم حسام

    English Cafe #14

    Today's topics: Spelling words, Popular baby names in the US, Britney Spears and Seatbelts, "Don't get mad, get even!", To spoil someone, To undertake, Compared to or with?, How to end an email أكثر...
  10. أم حسام

    English Cafe #13

    Today's topics: Spam, Valentine's Day, the Winter Olympics, "In terms of," Must vs. have to vs. got to, Possessives, To raise vs. to rise أكثر...
  11. أم حسام

    English Cafe #12

    Today's topics: Stealing art, Religions in the US, "Walk the Line," I've had versus I had had, Jump across the pond, "She's a complete knockout!" أكثر...
  12. أم حسام

    English Cafe #11

    Today's topics: Three Strikes, Groundhog Day, Lost and CSI, Regards and Cheers, Amazing versus Awesome, "On the heels of..." أكثر...
  13. أم حسام

    English Cafe #10

    Today's topics: Coretta Scott King, Super Bowls and Pizza, "We will rock you" by Queen, You bet versus I bet, Gonna, woulda, coulda, Speaking of which أكثر...
  14. أم حسام

    English Cafe #50

    Topics: Baseball and related expressions, “gangsta,” compromise versus commitment أكثر...
  15. أم حسام

    English Cafe #49

    Topics: Labor Day, charitable organizations in the U.S., safety vs. security, clutch vs. grip vs. grab أكثر...
  16. أم حسام

    English Cafe #48

    Topics: After school activities, ethnic neighborhoods in Los Angeles, nude vs. naked vs. bare, anything but أكثر...
  17. أم حسام

    English Cafe #47

    Topics: Retirement communities, American superstitions, fling vs. throw vs. toss أكثر...
  18. أم حسام

    English Cafe #46

    Topics: Business cards in the US, nationalities in English, dry-eyed, killer app أكثر...
  19. أم حسام

    English Cafe #45

    Topics: Graceland and Elvis, Boston, to have a leg up on someone, flat out, seeing eye dogs, to trip up أكثر...
  20. أم حسام

    English Cafe #44

    Topics: United States Postal Service, summer camp, whereas vs. but, RSVP (again), to be unable to make heads or tails of something أكثر...